Saturday, August 21, 2010

Empty Apartment

I have a blog. This is my blog. You are reading my blog.

I arrived in Seattle last Thursday, August 12th, after a very long, nearly non-stop drive. I know how irresponsible it sounds to drive 1600 miles straight through, but we took shifts driving and sleeping, so it's not nearly as irresponsible as you originally thought. It was, however, still a 30-hour trip, and we were both very happy to have finally arrived at our apartment.

These are some pictures I took of the empty apartment on the day we arrived.

Here is my empty bedroom. It is the master bedroom. It is considerably bigger than the other bedroom, which I feel bad about. But I'm paying a little bit more rent, so that makes up for it, I suppose.

This is my sweet walk-in closet. It provides ample space for all my clothes, and musical instruments, and anything else that I don't have a specific place for.

This is my master bathroom. It's probably half the size of the condo bathrooms, but to me, while apartment hunting, it was the most important feature. I don't want to share my bathroom with another gross person. I'm gross enough myself, you know?

This is the living room. This is where the couches we brought were going to go. We brought three couches with us (that is, two couches [one of them was Justin's] and a loveseat.) Neither of the couches would fit in the stairwell nor the elevator nor around the corners in the building's hallways, so we were forced to get rid of them. Justin found a buyer for his on Craigslist, and I was able to give mine to a consignment shop. Neither of us were happy that these transactions were necessary. I really liked my couch.

This is Justin's couch not fitting around the corner.

And here's the kitchen with the breakfast nook in the background. I don't know if it is technically a breakfast nook or a dining room. How does one differentiate?

Anyway, those are all the pictures I've taken so far. Once I have everything put away in my room, I'll take more pictures and do more blogging.